Fr. Candera ielā 4, Rīgā
Pirmdiena - saziņa
Otrdiena - saziņa
Trešdiena - saziņa
Ceturtdiena - slēgts
Piektdiena - 10.00 - 17.00
Sestdiena - 10.00 - 17.00
Svētdiena - slēgts
Sazināties, rakstot e-pastu vai zvanot
Raivo sveicieni no jaunajām mājām Somijā!
Good morning!
I have to say that I'm in love with Raivo already. He's just amazing puppy! I've never met so calm and loving puppy as Raivo!
He slept all night next to me on the bed. He hasn't done any needs inside so i'm happy.
I'm so excited to see what we have in the future! Also he hasn't cried at all, so maybe I'm doing it well with him. I couldn't have picked a better dog, I'm happy, in love, excited etc.
Here is some pictures for you :) We're doing very fine and everything goes just great! Also my son likes Raivo very much and my older dog Eeli is very happy about his new friend Raivo
Jonna and Raivo